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Quartz Feldspar Energy Cleanse
  • Quartz Feldspar Energy Cleanse

    Quartz with Feldspar can be used to cleanse a big space, or lot’s of items at once. If you find yourself in a situation where smoke cleansing is not an option, give this mineral mix a try.
    Hold your Feldspar Quartz in the palm of your hand, and imagine a cleansing smoke start to pour out from the crystal and your hand. If you find imagining or visualization difficult, you can say (either in your mind or out loud) “I ask the cleansing energies, both within myself, and the Earth vibration of the crystal, to be released, and directed where I ask.” now move the crystal in the general direction you’d like to send the healing energy. You can also set this mineral mix next to your other crystals to cleanse them. Place near with the strong intention of resetting and clearing energy. Visualization helps immensely, but is not required.
    Just like any other cleansing practice, your intention and the feelings and experience you have while performing your ritual are the most important. 
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